Vector Expedited Review Voucher
Vector-borne diseases malaria, Dengue fever, West Nile, chikungunya and others are afflicting larger populations and their geographical spread is increasing; yet discovery of innovative insecticides to kill the mosquitoes and other carriers of disease are not keeping up with resistance. VERV will help fill the innovation/disease gap.

Vector Expedited Review Voucher (VERV) was enacted by the US Congress on December 30, 2022. Administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the registrant of a new insecticide for a vector-borne disease is awarded a voucher for expedited review of a second product seeking registration with EPA. Expedited review or “speed to market” of the second product creates a monetary value for registrants – an incentive to find innovative insecticides for high burden global diseases.
Proven Incentive
VERV is modeled after the Food & Drug Adminstration’s (FDA) successful Priority Review Voucher (PRV) program. Over 70 vouchers have been awarded since 2008. The voucher incentive was proposed by Duke University scholars Henry Grabowski, Jeffrey Moe and David Ridley. Nick Hamon collaborated with Moe & Ridley to adapt the PRV concept for vector control when he served as CEO of the Innovative Vector Control Consortium, Go to LEARN MORE to link to FDA’s PRV program description and download Ridley, Grabowski & Moe 2006 article proposing PRV.
Ridley, Moe & Hamon published a Health Affairs (2017) article proposing VERV and describing the necessary features of a successful program. They estimated $12 million – $152 million value for a voucher depending upon the market size into which the second product enters upon receiving expedited review approval. Awarded vouchers can also be sold which is an alternative method to estimate voucher value. Go to LEARN MORE to link to EPA’s VERV program description and to download Ridley, Moe & Hamon 2017 article proposing VERV.
The first voucher was awarded December 2024 to Mosquito Mate for the wAlbB wolbachia strain in the Aedes albopictus species of mosquitoes. The wolbachia bacterium suppresses mosquito populations by killing offspring of the adult mosquito through cytoplasmic incompatibility. Aedes albopictus are known carriers of chikungunya, Dengue fever and dirofilariasis. Go to LEARN MORE to download an article by Hamon, Markowski, Moe & Nimmo recommending how EPA could apply eligibility criteria to biopesticides for the VERV award.
How VERV Works

Eligibility & Awards
•Mechanism or mode of action not already registered with EPA
•Controls insecticide-resistant mosquitoes: vectors of selected diseases including malaria
•Can be used in interventions e.g. Insecticide Treated Nets and Indoor Residual Spraying.
December 5, 2024 VERV awarded to Mosquito Mate for registration of wAlbB wolbachia in Male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
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Priority Review Voucher
FDA voucher incentive has awarded more than 70 vouchers